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Want to contribute?

We try to make it easy, and all contributions, even the smallest ones, are more than welcome. This includes bug reports, fixes, documentation, examples...

First, read our contribution guide. Then, remember to announce your intention on the dedicated channel.


Remember to be continuous is a totally free and open-source project. If you like it, please say it!

  • add a star ⭐ to every template project you're using (on -- that will promote the project in the CI/CD catalog
  • please share your feedback in the ⭐-i-use-tbc channel

Consider this as our rewarding. Thanks in advance 🙏

To star all TBC templates all at once

curl -sSf "" | jq -r '.[].id' | while read pid; do curl -X POST -H "PRIVATE-TOKEN: $GITLAB_TOKEN" "$pid/star"; done

💡 requires curl & jq

Let's Talk!

Like any free and open-source project, to be continuous thrives on community engagement. Your feedback, discussions, and shared experiences help it grow and evolve.

Have you given a presentation or hosted a discussion about to be continuous? Feel free to share links to your public presentations here!

Capitole du libre, 2022

Pierre Smeyers showcased to be continuous at Capitole du Libre in November 2022 in Toulouse.


Open Source Experience, 2023

Girija Saint-Ange and Guilhem Bonnefille presented to be continuous at Open Source Experience in December 2023, held in Paris.

No recordings are available for this session.