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GitLab CI template for S3 (Simple Storage Service)

This project implements a GitLab CI/CD template to deploy your objects to any S3 (Simple Storage Service) compatible object storage service.

This is a basic and very cheap solution to host static pages websites as well as progressive web applications.

It uses s3cmd to control the S3 API endpoint and uploading objects.


This template can be used both as a CI/CD component or using the legacy include:project syntax.

Use as a CI/CD component

Add the following to your .gitlab-ci.yml:

  # 1: include the component
  - component: $CI_SERVER_FQDN/to-be-continuous/s3/gitlab-ci-s3@7.3.0
    # 2: set/override component inputs
      # ⚠ this is only an example
      deploy-files: "website/"
      staging-disabled: "true"
      base-bucket-name: "wonder-doc"
      # use same bucket for all review envs
      review-bucket-name: "wonder-doc-review"
      # segregate review envs with prefixes
      review-prefix: "$CI_ENVIRONMENT_SLUG"
      region: "eu-west-0"

Use as a CI/CD template (legacy)

Add the following to your .gitlab-ci.yml:

  # 1: include the template
  - project: 'to-be-continuous/s3'
    ref: '7.3.0'
    file: '/templates/gitlab-ci-s3.yml'

  # 2: set/override template variables
  # ⚠ this is only an example
  S3_DEPLOY_FILES: "website/"
  S3_BASE_BUCKET_NAME: "wonder-doc"
  # use same bucket for all review envs
  S3_REVIEW_BUCKET_NAME: "wonder-doc-review"
  # segregate review envs with prefixes
  S3_REGION: "eu-west-0"


This chapter introduces key notions and principle to understand how this template works.

Managed deployment environments

This template implements continuous delivery/continuous deployment for projects hosted on S3 platforms.

It allows you to manage automatic deployment & cleanup of standard predefined environments. Each environment can be enabled/disabled by configuration. If you're not satisfied with predefined environments and/or their associated Git workflow, you may implement you own environments and workflow, by reusing/extending the base (hidden) jobs. This is advanced usage and will not be covered by this documentation.

The following chapters present the managed predefined environments and their associated Git workflow.

Review environments

The template supports review environments: those are dynamic and ephemeral environments to deploy your ongoing developments (a.k.a. feature or topic branches).

When enabled, it deploys the result from upstream build stages to a dedicated and temporary environment. It is only active for non-production, non-integration branches.

It is a strict equivalent of GitLab's Review Apps feature.

It also comes with a cleanup job (accessible either from the environments page, or from the pipeline view).

Integration environment

If you're using a Git Workflow with an integration branch (such as Gitflow), the template supports an integration environment.

When enabled, it deploys the result from upstream build stages to a dedicated environment. It is only active for your integration branch (develop by default).

Production environments

Lastly, the template supports 2 environments associated to your production branch (main or master by default):

  • a staging environment (an iso-prod environment meant for testing and validation purpose),
  • the production environment.

You're free to enable whichever or both, and you can also choose your deployment-to-production policy:

  • continuous deployment: automatic deployment to production (when the upstream pipeline is successful),
  • continuous delivery: deployment to production can be triggered manually (when the upstream pipeline is successful).

Using other S3-compatible systems than AWS

The template might be used with other storage systems provided they are implementing a compatible API. In that case, you'll have to override the default $S3_ENDPOINT_HOST and $S3_WEBSITE_ENDPOINTvariables.

Provider endpoint-host / S3_ENDPOINT_HOST website-endpoint / S3_WEBSITE_ENDPOINT
Google Cloud Platform website hosting in GCP not supported by s3cmd
Microsoft Azure requires using Minio
Read this article for further information
Flexible Engine (Orange Business Services) oss.<region> (⚠ <region> must be set) https://%(bucket)s.oss-website.%(location)

Buckets namespacing

In its default configuration, the template manages (create/sync/delete) one S3 bucket per environment.

But you may also configure it to implement other policies. Here are several examples of alternate policies.

A single bucket with separate prefixes for each env

Here the .gitlab-ci.yml configuration for one shared bucket for all envs, each separated by prefix:

  # use same bucket for all envs
  S3_REVIEW_BUCKET_NAME: "acme-bucket-shared"
  S3_INTEG_BUCKET_NAME: "acme-bucket-shared"
  S3_STAGING_BUCKET_NAME: "acme-bucket-shared"
  S3_PROD_BUCKET_NAME: "acme-bucket-shared"
  # segregate envs with prefixes

Hybrid policy

Here the .gitlab-ci.yml configuration for one shared bucket for review envs and separate buckets for others:

  # use same bucket for all review envs
  S3_REVIEW_BUCKET_NAME: "acme-bucket-review"
  S3_INTEG_BUCKET_NAME: "acme-bucket-integ"
  S3_STAGING_BUCKET_NAME: "acme-bucket-staging"
  S3_PROD_BUCKET_NAME: "acme-bucket-prod"
  # segregate review envs with prefixes

Deployment output variables

As seen above, the S3 template may support up to 4 environments (review, integration, staging and production).

Each deployment job produces output variables that are propagated to downstream jobs (using dotenv artifacts):

  • environment_type: set to the type of environment (review, integration, staging or production),
  • environment_name: the application name (see below),
  • environment_url: set to $CI_ENVIRONMENT_URL.

They may be freely used in downstream jobs (for instance to run acceptance tests against the latest deployed environment).

Configuration reference

Secrets management

Here are some advices about your secrets (variables marked with a 🔒):

  1. Manage them as project or group CI/CD variables:
    • masked to prevent them from being inadvertently displayed in your job logs,
    • protected if you want to secure some secrets you don't want everyone in the project to have access to (for instance production secrets).
  2. In case a secret contains characters that prevent it from being masked, simply define its value as the Base64 encoded value prefixed with @b64@: it will then be possible to mask it and the template will automatically decode it prior to using it.
  3. Don't forget to escape special characters (ex: $ -> $$).

Global configuration

The S3 template uses some global configuration used throughout all jobs.

Input / Variable Description Default value
cmd-image / S3_CMD_IMAGE The Docker image used to run s3cmd commands
endpoint-host / S3_ENDPOINT_HOST Default S3 endpoint hostname (with port) (AWS)
host-bucket / S3_HOST_BUCKET Default DNS-style bucket+hostname:port template for accessing a bucket %(bucket)s.$S3_ENDPOINT_HOST
region / S3_REGION Default region to create the buckets in (if not defined, the template won't create any) none
🔒 S3_ACCESS_KEY Default S3 service Access Key has to be defined
🔒 S3_SECRET_KEY Default S3 service Secret Key has to be defined
base-bucket-name / S3_BASE_BUCKET_NAME Base bucket name $CI_PROJECT_NAME (see GitLab doc)
prefix / S3_PREFIX Default S3 prefix to use as a root destination to upload objects in the S3 bucket none
scripts-dir / S3_SCRIPTS_DIR Directory where S3 hook scripts are located .

Deployment jobs

Each environment has its own deployment job (associated with the right branch).

It uses the following variables:

Input / Variable Description Default value
deploy-args / S3_DEPLOY_ARGS s3cmd command and options to deploy files to the bucket sync --recursive --delete-removed --acl-public --no-mime-magic --guess-mime-type
deploy-files / S3_DEPLOY_FILES Pattern(s) of files to deploy to the S3 bucket public/ (all files from public directory)
website-disabled / S3_WEBSITE_DISABLED Set to true to disable WebSite hosting by your S3 bucket none (enabled by default)
website-args / S3_WEBSITE_ARGS s3cmd command and options to enable WebSite hosting on the bucket ws-create --ws-index=index.html --ws-error=404.html
website-endpoint / S3_WEBSITE_ENDPOINT Default WebSite endpoint url pattern (supports %(bucket)s and %(location)s placeholders).
only required when website hosting is not disabled

If need be you could add your own hook script that will be triggered right before deploying files to the S3 bucket.

If the target bucket doesn't appear to exist, the template tries to create it.

s3-cleanup-review job

This job allows destroying each review environment. Simply deletes the associated objects in the bucket. After objects removal, if the bucket appears to be empty, also tries to delete the bucket.

s3-cleanup-all-review job

This job allows destroying all review environments at once (in order to save cloud resources).

It is disabled by default and can be controlled using the $CLEANUP_ALL_REVIEW variable:

  1. automatically executed if $CLEANUP_ALL_REVIEW set to force,
  2. manual job enabled from any master branch pipeline if $CLEANUP_ALL_REVIEW set to true (or any other value),

The first value force can be used in conjunction with a scheduled pipeline to cleanup cloud resources for instance everyday at 6pm or on friday evening.

The second one simply enables the (manual) cleanup job on the master branch pipeline.

Anyway destroyed review environments will be automatically re-created the next time a developer pushes a new commit on a feature branch.

⚠ in case of scheduling the cleanup, you'll probably have to create an almost empty branch without any other template (no need to build/test/analyse your code if your only goal is to cleanup environments).

Review environments configuration

Review environments are dynamic and ephemeral environments to deploy your ongoing developments (a.k.a. feature or topic branches).

They are enabled by default and can be disabled by setting the S3_REVIEW_DISABLED variable (see below).

Here are variables supported to configure review environments:

Input / Variable Description Default value
review-disabled / S3_REVIEW_DISABLED Set to true to disable review environments none (enabled)
review-endpoint-host / S3_REVIEW_ENDPOINT_HOST S3 endpoint hostname (with port) for review env (only define to override default) $S3_ENDPOINT_HOST
review-region / S3_REVIEW_REGION Region to create the review buckets in (if not defined, the template won't create any) $S3_REGION
🔒 S3_REVIEW_ACCESS_KEY S3 service Access Key for review env (only define to override default) $S3_ACCESS_KEY
🔒 S3_REVIEW_SECRET_KEY S3 service Secret Key for review env (only define to override default) $S3_SECRET_KEY
review-bucket-name / S3_REVIEW_BUCKET_NAME Bucket name for review env "${S3_BASE_BUCKET_NAME}-${CI_ENVIRONMENT_SLUG}" (ex: myproject-review-fix-bug-12)
review-prefix / S3_REVIEW_PREFIX S3 prefix to use for review env (only define to override default) prefix / S3_PREFIX
review-autostop-duration / S3_REVIEW_AUTOSTOP_DURATION The amount of time before GitLab will automatically stop review environments 4 hours

Integration environment configuration

The integration environment is the environment associated to your integration branch (develop by default).

It is enabled by default and can be disabled by setting the S3_INTEG_DISABLED variable (see below).

Here are variables supported to configure the integration environment:

Input / Variable Description Default value
integ-disabled / S3_INTEG_DISABLED Set to true to disable the integration environment none (enabled)
integ-endpoint-host / S3_INTEG_ENDPOINT_HOST S3 endpoint hostname (with port) for integration env (only define to override default) $S3_ENDPOINT_HOST
integ-region / S3_INTEG_REGION Region to create the integration bucket in $S3_REGION
🔒 S3_INTEG_ACCESS_KEY S3 service Access Key for integration env (only define to override default) $S3_ACCESS_KEY
🔒 S3_INTEG_SECRET_KEY S3 service Secret Key for integration env (only define to override default) $S3_SECRET_KEY
integ-bucket-name / S3_INTEG_BUCKET_NAME Bucket name for integration env ${S3_BASE_BUCKET_NAME}-integration
integ-prefix / S3_INTEG_PREFIX S3 prefix to use for integration env (only define to override default) prefix / S3_PREFIX

Staging environment configuration

The staging environment is an iso-prod environment meant for testing and validation purpose associated to your production branch (main or master by default).

It is enabled by default and can be disabled by setting the S3_STAGING_DISABLED variable (see below).

Here are variables supported to configure the staging environment:

Input / Variable Description Default value
staging-disabled / S3_STAGING_DISABLED Set to true to disable the staging environment none (enabled)
staging-endpoint-host / S3_STAGING_ENDPOINT_HOST S3 endpoint hostname (with port) for staging env (only define to override default) $S3_ENDPOINT_HOST
staging-region / S3_STAGING_REGION Region to create the staging bucket in $S3_REGION
🔒 S3_STAGING_ACCESS_KEY S3 service Access Key for staging env (only define to override default) $S3_ACCESS_KEY
🔒 S3_STAGING_SECRET_KEY S3 service Secret Key for staging env (only define to override default) $S3_SECRET_KEY
staging-bucket-name / S3_STAGING_BUCKET_NAME Bucket name for staging env ${S3_BASE_BUCKET_NAME}-staging
staging-prefix / S3_STAGING_PREFIX S3 prefix to use for staging env (only define to override default) prefix / S3_PREFIX

Production environment configuration

The production environment is the final deployment environment associated with your production branch (main or master by default).

It is enabled by default and can be disabled by setting the S3_PROD_DISABLED variable (see below).

Here are variables supported to configure the production environment:

Input / Variable Description Default value
prod-disabled / S3_PROD_DISABLED Set to true to disable the production environment none (enabled)
prod-endpoint-host / S3_PROD_ENDPOINT_HOST S3 endpoint hostname (with port) for production env (only define to override default) $S3_ENDPOINT_HOST
prod-region / S3_PROD_REGION Region to create the production bucket in $S3_REGION
🔒 S3_PROD_ACCESS_KEY S3 service Access Key for production env (only define to override default) $S3_ACCESS_KEY
🔒 S3_PROD_SECRET_KEY S3 service Secret Key for production env (only define to override default) $S3_SECRET_KEY
prod-bucket-name / S3_PROD_BUCKET_NAME Bucket name for production env $S3_BASE_BUCKET_NAME
prod-deploy-strategy / S3_PROD_DEPLOY_STRATEGY Defines the deployment to production strategy. One of manual (i.e. one-click) or auto. manual
prod-prefix / S3_PROD_PREFIX S3 prefix to use for production env (only define to override default) prefix / S3_PREFIX


Vault variant

This variant allows delegating your secrets management to a Vault server.


In order to be able to communicate with the Vault server, the variant requires the additional configuration parameters:

Input / Variable Description Default value
TBC_VAULT_IMAGE The Vault Secrets Provider image to use (can be overridden)
vault-base-url / VAULT_BASE_URL The Vault server base API url must be defined
vault-oidc-aud / VAULT_OIDC_AUD The aud claim for the JWT $CI_SERVER_URL
🔒 VAULT_ROLE_ID The AppRole RoleID none
🔒 VAULT_SECRET_ID The AppRole SecretID none

By default, the variant will authentifacte using a JWT ID token. To use AppRole instead the VAULT_ROLE_ID and VAULT_SECRET_ID should be defined as secret project variables.


Then you may retrieve any of your secret(s) from Vault using the following syntax:



Parameter Description
secret_path (path parameter) this is your secret location in the Vault server
field (query parameter) parameter to access a single basic field from the secret JSON payload


  # main template
  - component: $CI_SERVER_FQDN/to-be-continuous/s3/gitlab-ci-s3@7.3.0
  # Vault variant
  - component: $CI_SERVER_FQDN/to-be-continuous/s3/gitlab-ci-s3-vault@7.3.0
      # audience claim for JWT
      vault-oidc-aud: ""
      vault-base-url: ""

  # Secrets managed by Vault
  S3_ACCESS_KEY: "@url@http://vault-secrets-provider/api/secrets/b7ecb6ebabc231/my-backend/s3?field=access_key"
  S3_SECRET_KEY: "@url@http://vault-secrets-provider/api/secrets/b7ecb6ebabc231/my-backend/s3?field=secret_key"